
Monday, May 17, 2010

12th Annual Supplier Diversity Conferences mission: "Making a Difference in this Green Economy" Asian-Owned PERI Software Attending Kansas City, MO. Event

Kansas, MO. - PERI Software plans to attend the "Supplier Diversity-Making a Difference in the New Green Economy" event, May 17-19, 2010, Westin Crowne Center, Kansas City, Missouri. The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and host company Kansas City Power & Light is hosting the annual Diversity Conference Tuesday through Thursday, in Kansas City, MO.

EEI and its members aim to establish long-term relationships with diverse suppliers who provide products and services that help our industry succeed in a highly competitive environment. Our member companies build close alliances with diverse suppliers, knowing that a business practice today will impact business development tomorrow. "Purchasing goods and services through diverse suppliers just makes good business sense."

" We are one of the fastest Asian-owned global business solutions company in our industry and I look forward to attending the annual event," said Pres. & CEO Sarav Periasamy, PERI Software Solutions, a business solutions company based in Newark, NJ with offices in San Jose, Los Angeles and Chennai, India.

Last month, PERI earned five business awards.

1. Top 500 Diversity Owned Businesses in the US
2. Top 100 Subcontinent Asian American Businesses in the US
3. Top 500 Privately - Held Businesses in the US
4. Top 100 Diversity Owned Businesses in NJ
5. Top 100 Privately - Held Businesses in NJ

The company has four main product lines: software, hardware, intelligent hardware/embedded software and software services. Through these lines, PERI focuses on a number of areas including: advanced metering infrastructure, business intelligence, enterprise data warehousing, geographic information systems, identity management, portal and content management, SAP, supervisory control and data acquisition and security services.

PERI Software Solutions Inc. was founded in 1999, PERI is a global business solutions company, which has grown to more than 700 plus employees and delivers high value-cost effective technology based business solutions. The technology product and services company has earned more than $50 million in revenue since being started in 1999. The company has four main product lines: software, hardware, intelligent hardware/embedded software and software services.

For more info visit: On June 2-3, PERI will be discussing Smart Grid Technology at the conference in San Diego, CA.

For more about the smart grid tech conference and agenda visit:

[Editors: For images and advanced media interviews with PERI, please call: Aida Mayo or
George McQuade at 818-340-5300 or 818-618-9229 or email]

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