
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Michael Lohan Drops the F Word live on Fox TV News upset with coverage of his daughter Lindsay Lohan's DUI and Probation Sentencing

Just when we thought we had heard it all on Television, along comes a family of celebs that may have cross the lined in describe the thoughts verbally and visually.
First Lindsay Lohan gets grilled in court, cries when she hears a mandatory 90 days in jail for breaking probation not once, but twice. And as the TV news anchors would say.. NOW THIS...

After Lindsay Lohan is caught with F--K U vividly painted on her fingernails and labeled the judge who threw the book at her a "F------G  King Bitch", her Pops popped a real eye opener live on Fox News.

The live interview was not blipped on "Studio B" with Fox TV News Anchor Shepard smith when Michael Lohan blurted out "F- -K" live on the air when Smith had asked him why he was going on television and partying the same night his daughter had been sent to the slammer for three months.

"I don't think a lot of parents understand the way you conduct yourself," Smith said. Referring to pictures of Lohan smiling at a restaurant, he said, "I think a lot of [people] are probably saying, you know, if you'd done half this much to try to help your daughter..."
Seconds later Daddy Lohan let loose on the family network news channel, but apologized after
the F bomb slipped through the censors at Fox.

How do you feel about this interview - who went too far - TV Broadcaster Smith or Michael Lohan?
Comment below or weigh in on the discussion page at
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